When Should a Landlord Consult an Attorney?

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Being a landlord is a challenging career move, no matter where you live. For example, according to Flex, individual landlords now own 20.5 million rental units in the US, with more to come. If you’re one of these individuals, you might need to hire landlord attorneys at times to keep yourself safe. But exactly when do you need to hire lawyers like these? Well, that all depends on many different factors, so please read on to learn more about this process.

Preparing a New Rental

Planning on opening a new rental property or simply transitioning from an old tenant and wanting to stay safe? Get a lawyer to protect you. They can make this process simpler and improve your experience. For example, they can ensure you follow all proper preparation steps for your district.

It might seem excessive, but your city and state probably require this kind of step. A landlord attorney can prepare all the paperwork and handle other steps, such as setting up inspections, to avoid problems. By keeping you protected, they minimize your danger.

Evicting Tenants

There comes a time in many landlords’ lives when they have to evict tenants. It’s never easy or fun, but it has to happen. Tenants have a lot of rights, though, and you can’t just toss someone, which makes this very complex. However, an attorney can help you through this process.

Collecting evidence to help you evict a tenant, lawyers can ensure you’re legally protected. There’s nothing worse than thinking you did it right only to get sued for missing a single step. You don’t deserve that kind of headache!

Handling Injury or Illness Lawsuits

You put a lot of hard work into keeping your properties safe, but no one is perfect. For example, a shared deck might fail and cause serious injuries to your tenants. Who do you think will get sued? That’s right, you. You’ll need landlord attorneys who can help you handle this situation for you.

If you’re truly to blame for someone’s injury, it happens to many landlords, your lawyer can try to mitigate your costs. That said, if you’re not responsible (very common), they can show that you’re being wrongfully sued. It takes some time and effort but is more than worth getting right.

Managing Property Damage Problems

Here’s a slightly different scenario that might surprise you: suing your tenants for property damage! Rather than being on the receiving end of a lawsuit, you can use an attorney to pursue people who have damaged your home and get compensation for their questionable actions.

Your lawyer will collect information about the damage, including proving it was caused by your tenants, to make your case successful. They can also argue for things like emotional damages, depending on what happened. There’s no reason you have to put up with bad tenants.

By working with the best landlord attorneys available to you, it’s possible to improve your rental process exponentially. Furthermore, it can help you avoid serious legal problems if your renters get into bad situations. Thankfully, we’re here to help you! Call The Law Offices of Lawrence M Centanni to learn more about how attorneys can benefit you, including protecting you in lawsuits, preparing eviction notices, and other processes that can minimize your struggles.

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