Top 10 Things to Know as a New Jersey Landlord

Logo of Centanni Law next to chalkboard house that reads "For Lease" and the words 10 Things to Know as a New Jersey Landlord.

By Larry M. Centanni, Esq. When it comes to landlord-tenant law in New Jersey, the rules are spelled out pretty clearly. There are certain rules that landlords must abide by and the same is also true for tenants. The purpose of the law is to protect all parties involved in rental situations. One of the […]

What Happens to a Lease Agreement when a Tenant Dies?

lease agreement

“Tomorrow is promised to no one.”  There’s no doubt in the validity of the statement or that death changes most everything. In fact, as a residential landlord, you may encounter some confusion when a tenant dies.  How does the death impact your lease agreement? First, you should know that NJSA 46:8-9.1 offers some insight concerning […]