Crafting Enforceable Indemnity Clauses for Commercial Leases


By Larry M. Centanni, Esq. When it comes to indemnification, or “hold harmless,” clauses in New Jersey commercial leases, there can be some real challenges. Oftentimes, parties to a commercial lease will make an effort to interpret an indemnification clause to their benefit should a legal issue arise. Properly constructing an indemnification clause ahead of […]

Do I Need to Hire a Home Inspector to Purchase a House in New Jersey?

By Larry Centanni, Esq. It’s hard to find a great home that you can afford and easy to fall in love with it when you do, so it’s important to take prudent steps to ensure that you know exactly what you’re buying. New Jersey law does not require hiring a home inspector to purchase a […]

How NJ Courts Interpret The Right Of First Refusal In Commercial Real Estate

How NJ Courts Interpret The Right Of First Refusal In Commercial Real Estate The right of first refusal ROFR is a clause in residential leases in New Jersey that provides tenants with the right to match a third-party offer to buy the property they are leasing. New Jersey courts have overwhelmingly interpreted the RORF to […]

Keep Track of NJ Rental Assistance Bill 3357. It Would Help Landlords and Tenants.

On January 12, 2021, New Jersey State Senator Brian P. Stack introduced Bill 3357, appropriating $300 million dollars of Cares Act funding to help landlords and tenants that have been impacted financially by Covid 19. Eviction moratoriums are effective in keeping families in their homes but have caused many small landlords to suffer financially, and […]

Purchase Commercial Property With A Phase 1 ESA

WHEN YOU PURCHASE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY, ALWAYS CONDUCT A PHASE 1. It’s extremely unwise to purchase a property without taking a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (“ESA”). Most banks will require it, and even if you’re paying cash, it protects you from purchasing an environmentally compromised property without an appropriate price adjustment. There are many properties […]

Preparing For The Upcoming Landlord Tenant Court Tidal Wave

As the weather heats up, and COVID here for the duration, take a look as to what New Jersey landlords must be achieving now and not later to prepare for the eviction process.   New Jersey landlords have been radically affected by this pandemic and each and every one of them will be affected in the […]

What New Jersey Landlords Need to Know About Evictions Under the CARES Act

A major legal change on the Federal level, for now, to occur as a result of the coronavirus pandemic was a halt to evictions. This public safety measure has the important goal of ensuring that tenants have a home to shelter in so they can adhere to lifesaving social distancing guidelines – even if they […]

Avoiding Foreclosure in New Jersey

Foreclosure is a daunting prospect for any homeowner. The good news is that there are many options for avoiding foreclosure. The process is expensive, and banks like to avoid it whenever possible. As a result, it is important to consult with an attorney about the options that could be available to you to avoid foreclosure. […]

Apartment Security Deposits in New Jersey

eviction defense

New Jersey – like many other states – has enacted laws to protect tenants’ security deposits while they are being held by a landlord. Landlords who fail to meet these requirements can face financial penalties. It is important for landlords to understand their legal obligations – and for tenants to understand their rights. Attorney Lawrence […]

What is the Implied Warranty of Habitability?


As a landlord, it is your duty to understand and meet your legal obligations to tenants. Tenants can legally withhold rent if landlords fail to make repairs or correct other issues that make the premises uninhabitable. Don’t wait to seek legal advice until a dispute has already started. Lawrence M. Centanni is an experienced New […]